A complete freshman, I am learning what every online guru does.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Google shall continue to reign

Latest market analysis states that search engine bigwig Google is all set to topple arch-rival Yahoo at online ad revenues this year. As per Internet sources, the survey predicts Google will account for more than 27 percent of the whole maret share of $21.7 billion spent by US advertisers. Yahoo, on the other hand, will claim a share of 16.3 percent, a visible decline from its 19.4 percent in the year 2005.

Both the websites' Internet advertising estimates have been calculated in relation to the trends prevelant in the online marketplace. This report also clarifies that though both sites have been on a decline since 2004, Google is actually set to pick up big time. It is predicted that it'll imrpove on its ad revenues by more than 45 percent! Whereas, Yahoo shall stick on to a meagre imrpovement of 18 percent.

Yahoo has been unsuccessfully chasing the paid search advertsiing service for quite some time now. It has had to face tough competition from the likes of Facebook and MySpace, top-notch social networking sites. The only region where it seems to be doing well is display ad revenues.

On the contrary, Google's growth has relied upon its text-link ads for revenue generation. It is trying to tempt advertisers into video and display advertising on its network, an area where it is constantly lacking in comparison to its competitors.

The ensuing war between these two online marketing kingpins is sure to change the face of online advertising. Whether this will be for the better or not, only time can tell.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Google's Customises Search for Small Businesses

Just when you thought the online marketplace is lying low, Google has come up with yet another gimmick. The new business edition of its Custom Search programme has small businesses rejoicing. This programme, long considered 'unfit' and 'unattainable' by small-time businessmen struggling with online marketing, is suddenly the talk of the town.

There are two reasons behind the raging popularity of this application. Firstly, it is extremely affordable – just $100 every year! And, secondly, your business server will not be doing the hosting for this service. This will be done by Google's computers themselves.

The application demands an upper limit of 5,000 web pages. But, make sure you are not hampered by technical snags of any kind for longer periods of time. And, please do not get into methodologies that adversely affect the crawling of your pages. This application pulls data from pages that have already been crawled by Google. If you have missed being indexed, you have very limited chances of coming back in the loop again.

Your website can provide this custom search service with minimal cost of maintenance, and without getting into any kind of sponsored links by other companies on search results. The Custom Search Engine can be installed in a ten-minute set-up process. You can customise the background, font colours, put up your company logo, and even specify sites from which you want Google to conduct the search.

Small businesses surely have just one thing to say... Hail Google!!!

Friday, June 1, 2007

Focus is important

Sorry guys, have been away for a lo o ong time now! Here's a piece now that I think should give you some insight onto gaining momentum in your market.
As you refine your market niche, you may experience some anxiety that focusing on your niche will deprive you of needed business. What do you do if someone outside of your niche wants to hire you?
Talk to them. See how well you fit. There is nothing about a focused niche that says you cannot work with a variety of clients. The point of a niche is not to confine you, but to create the healthiest ecosystem for your business. Focusing your market niche is like focusing a great searchlight that can be seen for miles around. Your searchlight may attract people from beyond your niche precisely because you have defined that niche.

While you always have the option of working with anyone who is attracted by your focused niche, do beware of trying to be all things to all people. Not only are you likely to fail at this, but you run an increased risk of coming across as inauthentic and insincere. The cost of not applying a niche marketing strategy is not being recognized for the offer that you are and not having a fulcrum from which to leverage that offer for increased effectiveness, service, and prosperity. The longer you persist in marketing to everyone and anyone who could conceivably hire you, the more certain it is that you will burn out, leaving yourself and your clients or customers dissatisfied. In order to make a compelling declaration of what you are up to, you must be willing to say "no" to those clients, projects, and possibilities that are not well within the scope of your passion and your expertise.

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Thursday, February 22, 2007

Web 2.0 Affiliate Marketing Tool

Came across this amzing Web 2.0 tool this morning for Affiliate Marketing, Looks like the next future of content units.

Every one who is in affiliate marketing would do a great deal using this, am sure many networks would be already shaken. As this would definitely help them to get more business but along the same side BOO-BOX could be an Affiliate Network in the making. Well as long as the afiliate is making money it hardly matters.

Hey guy chek it out and may be you could put in some of your valuable comments this time.......................


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Tuesday, February 20, 2007

gays, lesbians and bisexuals are the biggest users of online social communities

I was going thropugh this amazing report by Harris Interactive and Witeck-Combs Communications.

According to which the gays, lesbians and bisexuals are the leading users of online social communities. More gays ,lesbians and bisexuals use Orkut, Myspace, Friendsters per week compared to online heterosexuals. Other well-known websites such as YouTube, Craigslist and personal web logs also were found to be more popular among GLB individuals.

The Report

Hpoe this helps my fellow online maketers...

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Monday, January 29, 2007

UK's richest man!!!!!!!

Of course Laxmi Mittal! He is also the world's 5th richest man with a fortune of about 28 billions dollars. The steel magnate is the CEO of Arcelor Mittal – the world's largest producer of steel.

The man has always attracted controversy. He has made huge donations to the Labour party and at one time even the PM Tony was embroiled in controversy! This man loves to flaunt his wealth. He bought the most expensive house @ 57 million pounds(Man some show off)!! His daughter's wedding was the most expensive recorded in history! 'Papa, Buy me the Eiffel,' was the headline of one of Uk's leading magazines! Earlier also, his son's wedding had invited controversies when he had hired the lawns of Victoria Memorial in India! Also, recently Indians had cried foul to the European reactions of his hostile bid for Arcelor! Very recently, he has bought the world's most luxurious fleet for his holidays(God!! may the next purchase would be the Apollo 18 for the study trip of his grand children.)

This Indian has made most of his fortune outside India because the laws in the then India were averse to his business. Only now, he is turning to India and the Indians are welcoming him with open arms(God know for what, for his investments in India ofcourse).

There is something I hate about this man. There are at least 4 people who have more wealth than him. But they do not flaunt it. Why does he have to advertise his wealth? And look at Bill Gates and Warren Buffet. They are the real philanthropists. And this stinking rich man? Tell me what you think of him?????????????????????????????????????


Thursday, January 25, 2007

What is AJAX? and is it here to stay?

AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) enables you to refresh part of a web page without having to send the entire page back to the server. The AJAX-style of development is used in high-profile websites like Google, Flickr, and Amazon, and has rapidly gained popularity within the ASP.NET development community because of its ability to deliver rich, fast-loading, user-friendly applications that meet the demands of today's organizations.

Recognizing the importance of AJAX, Microsoft recently introduced the Atlas project, an extension to ASP.NET 2.0, designed to simplify the implementation of AJAX functionality. In addition, Microsoft has already launched web sites of their own that incorporate AJAX technologies and provide end users with an enhanced, responsive user interface.

aCCORDING TO Dundas Software.

ThIS IS LIGHT, FAST, PREATY, TRUSTED BASICALLY i LOVE IT................................................


Web development in general recently emerged from a long period of stagnation. While the web browser has become a de facto operating system for the enterprise application, there used to be only two realistic options for developing them:
Build simple web apps that work in any web browser on any operating system.
Take advantage of browser-specific "bells and whistles" to make more advanced web applications. These applications would generally be limited to a single browser on a single operating system or require a special plugin like Flash or Java.

There was no way to create intelligent, interactive web applications without programming for a very specific environment, which led to very poor quality internet applications, or to vendor lock-in. Consequently, many organizations have been reluctant to commit resources towards applications that would only work in very specific, controlled environments, and for good reason.

All of this is changing. Web browsers have reached a critical common threshold that allows powerful web applications to be written in much the same way across platforms, using mature techniques, and without any proprietary plugins. The building blocks of these applications are (X) HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and XML. These work in conjunction with a component that allows the browser to communicate with the server programmatically (XMLHttpRequest), and we have what is now being referred to as AJAX, or Asynchronous JavaScript and XML.

Well this is the answere O' Reilly has for it

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